Privilege Access Management

Out of the box Multi-Cloud Privilege Access Management (PAM) solution for AWS, GCP and Azure.

Identity Analyzer

Visualize, detect, prioritize, and remediate identity risks.


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How it works

Secure, cloud-centric privilege acces management platform provisioning acces to user through a self service portal.

Self-Service Page Icon
Self-Service Portal

Minimize your organization’s attack surface and secure your sensitive data by limiting who gets access and when.

Passwordless Access

Scale faster and stop credential sprawl by eliminating shared accounts and static credentials that are challenging to track.


Visibility into every resource, every user, and the policies that define and govern access in today’s dynamic multi-cloud landscape.

Cloud Identity Governance

Protect your cloud infrastructure by automating risk analysis for all permissions granted to all resources across multi-cloud.

Kill Switch
Kill Switch

Terminate sessions immediately if suspicious activity is detected to stop any user, anywhere, anytime.

Kill Switch
Simplify Workload Management

Manage workloads at scale with centralized management.

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The Cost of Overprivileged Access: Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore It
October 3, 2024

Where every click can lead to a potential security breach, understanding access management isn’t just a tech problem—it’s a business imperative. Overprivileged access is one of the most overlooked vulnerabilities that can cost organizations dearly, both in dollars and reputation. Let’s dive into why you can’t afford to ignore overprivileged access and how to fortify your defenses.

The Financial Fallout of Overprivileged Access

  1. The Breach That Keeps on Giving
    Picture this: one over-privileged account sparks a data breach, leaving your organization in turmoil. You could be hit with massive regulatory fines—up to 4% of global revenue under regulations like GDPR. According to IBM’s 2024 report, the average cost of a data breach has surged to $4.88 million, a significant jump from last year’s $4.45 million, marking a 10% increase—the highest surge since the pandemic. Clearly, neglecting over-privileged access can lead to financial catastrophe. But wait—there’s even more to consider; the costs don’t stop here.
  2. The Recovery Tsunami
    When a breach occurs, the financial impact cascades. Organizations often find themselves scrambling to respond. Forensic investigations, legal fees, public relations fallout, and upgraded security measures can pile up fast. As the Ponemon Institute points out, recovery costs can skyrocket into the millions, and suddenly, that careless oversight feels like a massive black hole sucking your budget dry.
  3. Operational Mayhem
    Let’s not forget about the chaos that ensues. Malicious or accidental actions stemming from overprivileged access can cause significant operational disruptions. Systems may crash, data may be lost, and business continuity could be severely hampered. Each hour of downtime translates into lost revenue and can send clients running for the hills.

Reputational Risks That Could Haunt You

  1. Trust: The Fragile Currency
    Customers today are savvy and security-conscious. A data breach linked to overprivileged access can shatter their trust faster than you can say “cybersecurity.” When trust is lost, regaining it is a herculean task. According to research, 80% of consumers will ditch a brand after a breach. Your loyal customers could easily become your biggest critics.
  2. Brand Damage: More Than Just Bad Press
    Negative media coverage can stain your brand’s reputation for years. A data breach isn’t just a headline; it’s a brand’s worst nightmare. As reputational damage ripples through social media, the impact on customer perception can be profound. Rebuilding that reputation takes years and substantial marketing investment.
  3. Employee Morale Hits a Low
    A breach doesn’t just affect customers; it takes a toll on your workforce too. Employees may feel insecure about their jobs and question your organization’s ability to safeguard sensitive information. Low morale can lead to high turnover rates and make attracting top talent a challenge.

Proactive Measures: Your Secret Weapon

Recognizing the risks is only half the battle; now it’s time to take action. Here’s how to bolster your defenses against overprivileged access:

  1. Embrace the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP)
    Start by adopting the principle of least privilege—give users only the access they need to do their jobs. Regularly audit permissions to ensure no one is hanging onto unnecessary privileges. It’s like a digital spring cleaning that can save you from future messes.
  2. Conduct Access Reviews Like a Boss
    Schedule regular access reviews to keep your permissions in check. These audits can unveil overprivileged accounts that need immediate attention. Think of it as a health check for your access management system—keeping it fit and functional.
  3. Invest in Smart IAM Solutions
    A robust Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution is your best ally in the fight against overprivileged access. These tools automate user provisioning and deprovisioning, monitor activity, and enforce access policies, all while minimizing human error. It’s the superhero cape your organization needs.
  4. Cultivate a Culture of Security Awareness
    A strong security culture is the backbone of effective access management. Train your employees to recognize the risks of overprivileged access and empower them to report suspicious activities. When everyone is vigilant, you create a human firewall that’s hard to breach.

Conclusion: Don’t Gamble with Security

In a world where every second counts, the stakes are too high to overlook overprivileged access. The financial and reputational risks are real and can cripple even the most resilient organizations. By taking proactive measures now, you not only safeguard your data but also protect your bottom line and brand reputation.

So, ask yourself: can you afford to ignore overprivileged access? The answer is a resounding no. It’s time to step up your game and ensure your organization is fortified against potential threats. The future of your business depends on it.

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